February 2, 2025

Tea Party 2025

The United States is governed by the people of the United States.

This is called self-government and we invented here in the USA. And we're damned proud of it.

We elect representatives who pass laws on our behalf which are then implemented by the president and the departments of the government. We've been doing that for 249 years. And it's worked out pretty well. With this form of government we created the richest country in history. Its cultural center. Our form of government has been replicated everywhere. It's the gold standard of responsible government everywhere. And who is it responsible to? The people.

And we absolutely and unconditionally love our country and its heritage.

But we are lost, and now we have some unelected people who represent absolutely no one, who have taken control of our government, without our permission. And we are not happy with what our elected representatives are doing about it. This goes equally for reps from both major parties.

So we the people are going to do something.

Let us recall our representatives to meet with us in town halls, immediately, to be sure they understand what we expect of them. Because they are most certainly not doing that.

Remember one of the basic principles of our country is no taxation without representation. And that is the exact problem we are facing now. Our government, of the people, has been overthrown and replaced with a monarchy. This we will not allow.

Dave Winer, February 2, 2025